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climate_game_examples [2024/03/30 22:47] Jonas Hansenclimate_game_examples [2024/12/06 02:03] (current) Jonas Hansen
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 ====== Climate Games ====== ====== Climate Games ======
 +===== Indie games =====
 +  * [[https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/known-mysteries-is-a-lo-fi-climate-fable-that-runs-off-a-solar-powered-server-on-its-developers-balcony | RPS: Known Mysteries is a lo-fi climate fable that runs off a solar-powered server on its developer's balcony]] [[https://www.solarserver.games]]
 +  * [[https://store.steampowered.com/app/1805110/Solarpunk/ | Solarpunk]]
 +  * [[https://store.steampowered.com/app/2681030/Outbound | Outbound]]
 +  * [[https://www.stardewvalley.net | Stardew Valley]]
 +  * [[https://nikaleksandr.itch.io/solarpunkfutures | Solarpunk Futures (Card Game)]]
 +  * [[https://store.steampowered.com/app/1989070/Synergy/|Synergy]]
 +  * [[https://store.steampowered.com/app/966330/Flower/|Flower]]
 +  * [[https://plasticflower.itch.io/solarpunkification | solarpunkification]]
 +  * [[https://www.terranil.com|Terra Nil]]
 +  * [[https://studioekosi.itch.io/mikiwam|Mikiwam]] Solarpunk herbalism
 +  * [[https://fholio.de/forest-poems | Forest Poems]] write little poems made of trees ...
 +  * [[https://fullyautomatedrpg.com/|Fully Automated!]] open source tabletop roleplaying game set in a solarpunk future 
 +  * [[https://store.steampowered.com/app/2744300/Solaria/|Solaria (planed 2024)]]
 +  * [[https://terragenesis.fandom.com/wiki/Main_Page| Terra Genesis - Wiki]]
 **Molleindustria** **Molleindustria**
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   * [[http://www.phonestory.org/|Phone Story]] Follow your phone's journey around the world and fight the market forces in a spiral of planned obsolescence.   * [[http://www.phonestory.org/|Phone Story]] Follow your phone's journey around the world and fight the market forces in a spiral of planned obsolescence.
-**Link lists**+**Jane MC Gonigal** 
 +  * [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_Without_Oil|World Without Oil (2007)]] is an alternate reality game (ARG) created to call attention to, spark dialogue about, plan for and engineer solutions to a possible near-future global oil shortage, post peak oil. 
 +** BURG Games ** 
 +  * [[https://www.burg-halle.de/design/multimediavr-design/multimediavr-design/studienarbeiten/project/puls/|PULS, Daniel Strobel (2020)]] low power bike game where you have to collect wifi points in the city.   
 +  * [[https://www.burg-halle.de/design/multimediavr-design/multimediavr-design/studienarbeiten/project/luftschloss | Luftschloss, Wenzel Stendike (2020)]] mobile energy resource managing game, which also uses the battery level of the cell phone as game element. 
 +  * [[https://www.burg-halle.de/design/multimediavr-design/multimediavr-design/studienarbeiten/project/capture-the-hood/|Capture the hood, Franziska Kinder (2020)]] energy-harvesting running game 
 +  * [[https://www.burg-halle.de/design/multimediavr-design/multimediavr-design/studienarbeiten/project/box-mehr-zeit-statt-zeug/|BOX – Mehr Zeit statt Zeug, Mareike Konz (2020)]] physical cube that encourages you to declutter 
 +  * [[https://www.burg-halle.de/design/multimediavr-design/multimediavr-design/studienarbeiten/project/im-penguin/|I'M PENGUIN, Zhiwei Wei (2019/20)]] VR experience that promotes empathy for penguins 
 +  * [[https://www.burg-halle.de/design/multimediavr-design/multimediavr-design/studienarbeiten/project/deep-time/|Deep Time, Sebastian Beier & Yasmin Möller (2021/22)]] Escape game artifact that lets you discover a long-gone dangerous energy source 
 +  * [[https://aliciamr.itch.io/2030-the-apocalypse | 2030: the Apocalypse, Alicia Monreal Ortega (2020)]] A game about avoiding the Apocalypse that is to come in 2030 
 +  * [[https://www.burg-halle.de/design/multimediavr-design/multimediavr-design/studienarbeiten/project/der-verstrahlte-wald/|Der verstrahlte Wald, Daniel Strobel (2021/22)]] Survival game concept about a family of mice who have to survive in an irradiated forest.  
 +  * [[https://tristanschulze.de/micros/| MICRO CONSOLES, Tristan Schulze (2023)]] low power cooperative gaming consoles 
 +  * [[https://pixelsix.net/virtualboom/|virtual boom, Jonas Hansen (2023)]] Virtual fireworks, because we can not harm the environment by setting off firecrackers anymore. 
 +  * [[https://pixelsix.net/collectic-wifi-outdoor-game| CollecTic, Jonas Hansen (2006)]] Mobile city game, collect wifi points with your PSP  
 +  * [[https://pixelsix.net/solar-wind-periscope-2011/|Solar Wind Periscope, Jonas Hansen & Lasse Scherffig (2011)]] an artistic instrument visualizing atmospheric conditions that depend on space weather. 
 +  * [[Thumbs Down, Jonas Hansen (2010)]]  
 +===== Board Games ===== 
 +  * CATAN - New Energies [[https://arstechnica.com/gaming/2024/04/new-catan-game-has-overpopulation-pollution-fossil-fuels-and-clean-energy/ | New CATAN game coming soon ...]] 
 +  * E-Mission [[https://www.daybreakgame.org/de]] 
 +  * [[https://games4geoscience.wordpress.com/games-library/| clima board game library]] 
 +  * [[https://www.climate-game.net | Keep Cool (boardgame)]] 
 +===== Short history ===== 
 +  * Utopia (Mattel, 1981) 
 +  * Rainbow Warrior (MicroStyle, 1989) 
 +  * Sid Meier's Sim Earth (1990) 
 +  * Sid Meier's Civilization (since 1991 ...) 
 +  * Sim City Societies (2007) 
 +  * Anno 2070 (2011) 
 +  * Fate to the World (2011 serious game) 
 +  * Eco (Strange Loop Games, 2018) 
 +  * Disco Elysium (2019) 
 +  * Horizon Zero Dawn: Forbidden West (Guerrilla Games, 2022) 
 +===== Link lists ===== 
   * [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_climate_change_video_games | List of climate change video games (Wikipedia)]]   * [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_climate_change_video_games | List of climate change video games (Wikipedia)]]