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green_gaming_industry [2024/03/30 23:29] Jonas Hansengreen_gaming_industry [2024/12/02 10:15] (current) Jonas Hansen
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   * [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nEEzUijhbkc|Climate Games: The Developer's Field Guide (talk: Arnaud Fayolle, GDC 2023, Youtube)]]   * [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nEEzUijhbkc|Climate Games: The Developer's Field Guide (talk: Arnaud Fayolle, GDC 2023, Youtube)]]
-  * [[https://www.playing4theplanet.org| Playing for the Planet]] Playing for the Planet is an Alliance of the gaming industry. Among others, members are Ubisoft, Microsoft, Google, Amazon Games, Bandai Namco, Sega Europe, ... +  * [[http://www.greengamedesign.com]] Inspirations for greener gamesDesign patterns to craft green messages into games and reduce production impact.
   * [[https://commission.europa.eu/energy-climate-change-environment/standards-tools-and-labels/products-labelling-rules-and-requirements/energy-label-and-ecodesign/energy-efficient-products/game-consoles_en|Games Console Voluntary Agreement (GCVA since 2015)]] Among other things, the agreement includes an automatic switch-off of the console (after one hour without use), a maximum energy limit and transparency regarding the console's energy consumption. All manufacturers have also committed to the recyclability of the consoles.   * [[https://commission.europa.eu/energy-climate-change-environment/standards-tools-and-labels/products-labelling-rules-and-requirements/energy-label-and-ecodesign/energy-efficient-products/game-consoles_en|Games Console Voluntary Agreement (GCVA since 2015)]] Among other things, the agreement includes an automatic switch-off of the console (after one hour without use), a maximum energy limit and transparency regarding the console's energy consumption. All manufacturers have also committed to the recyclability of the consoles.
   * [[https://www.igdaclimatesig.org| International Game Developers Association Climate Special Interest Group (IGDA CLIMATE SIG]]) serves to unlock grassroots climate action, enable climate councils on every major game company, and amplify the UN Environment’s message about youth advocacy, the power of video games, the climate crisis, and what games can do.   * [[https://www.igdaclimatesig.org| International Game Developers Association Climate Special Interest Group (IGDA CLIMATE SIG]]) serves to unlock grassroots climate action, enable climate councils on every major game company, and amplify the UN Environment’s message about youth advocacy, the power of video games, the climate crisis, and what games can do.
 +  *  [[https://www.playing4theplanet.org| Playing for the Planet]] Playing for the Planet is an Alliance of the gaming industry. Among others, members are Ubisoft, Microsoft, Google, Amazon Games, Bandai Namco, Sega Europe, ... 
 +  * [[https://www.gamesforchange.org | Games for Change Festival]] is an industry-facing event for social impact games.
 +  * [[https://www.greengamesguide.com/]] focussing on a green tabletop game industry.
 +  * [[https://www.cnet.com/tech/gaming/features/video-games-are-finally-waking-up-to-climate-change/|Video Games Are Finally Waking Up to Climate Change (cnet, 2023)]]