===== Solarpunk ===== {{::solarpunk.gif?nolink&512|}} ==== What is Solarpunk? ==== * [[https://iandennismiller.github.io/solarpunk/manifesto/english.html | solarpunk manifesto]] * [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hHI61GHNGJM | What is Solarpunk? (Andrewism, Youtube, 2020]] * [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u3aauiR9M88| Why This Gives Me Hope for the Future (OCC, Youtube, 2021)]] * [[https://alxd.org/solarpunk-lenses-and-foundations.html|Solarpunk: lenses and foundations with Think That Through (alxd, 2023)]] * [[https://www.solarpunkstories.com/blog/what-is-solarpunk-one-thing-or-many|What is solarpunk? One thing or many? (solarpunkstories, 2023)]] ==== Literature ==== * [[https://www.goodreads.com/list/show/89580.Solarpunk|Solarpunk reading list (goodreads)]] * [[https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/58690965-our-shared-storm|Our Shared Storm: A Novel of Five Climate Futures]] * Was, wenn wir einfach die Welt retten?: Handeln in der Klimakrise. Frank Schätzing * [[https://aditiandslick.tumblr.com]] - a narrative graphical novel approach by prof Joshua Pearce to explain Sustainability to people ==== Writing ==== * [[https://alxd.org/22-solarpunk-communities-and-story-hooks.html|22 Solarpunk Communities and Story Hooks]] by [[https://alxd.org | Pawel (alxd)]] * [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E9tKMM4CZzI|Solarpunk Writing Prompts - An Introduction]] by [[https://tomasino.org|James Tomasino]] * [[https://grist.org/climate-fiction/imagine-2200-contest-submissions/ | Imagine 2200: Write the future]] ==== Animation & Movies ==== * [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z-Ng5ZvrDm4|Dear Alice (animation/commercial by The Line, 2021)]] * **A message from the future** (animation) by activist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. In it, she explains how a fairer and more environmentally conscious world would have to differ from the one we live in today. ([[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d9uTH0iprVQ|Youtube Link]], 2019) * **Studio Ghibli** is a great inspiration for Solarpunk in its depiction of man and nature. * **Wall-E** (Movie, Pixar Studios, 2008). The two robots Wall-E and EVE bring a small plant back to a destroyed Earth. * **Black Panther** (Movie, 2018) is often mentioned in the context of solarpunk, as the fictional city of Wakanda is inspired by solarpunk ideas. Wakanda consisting of equal parts high-tech elements and African adobe construction. However, it uses a simple trick to solve our problem of energy needs by means of the fictitious material Vibranium ... not quite solarpunk. ==== Activism / Politics ==== * **Degrowth**, is the idea of a society away from consumption and economic growth is certainly inspired by the degrowth movement. * **Community welfare economy** [[https://web.ecogood.org/de/idee-vision | Gemeinwohlökonomie]] - Values such as solidarity and the welfare of the community take precedence over individual profit. * **3 R’s – Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle**: [[https://earthhow.com/reduce-reuse-recycle]] ==== Technology ==== * Growing fresh air, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gmn7tjSNyAA * [[open_source_and_hardware|Open Source / Open Hardware]] ==== Press ==== The [[https://www.colorado.edu/ecenter/2021/11/22/solarpunk|University of Colorado]] describes Solarpunk more as a movement that strives for a climate-neutral future. To this end, it uses art and literature, for example, to create a utopia - in other words, it develops ideas about what a sustainable society could look like. [[https://utopia.de/ratgeber/solarpunk-science-fiction-zukunft-und-utopische-bewegung_445579 |Utopia.de]]: "In this still fictitious world, people have actually already achieved what is still the big goal for us by 2050: [[https://utopia.de/ratgeber/net-zero-das-steckt-hinter-dem-programm|Net Zero]]. To achieve this, humanity would have to reduce all [[https://utopia.de/ratgeber/treibhauseffekt-diese-treibhausgase-beguenstigen-den-klimawandel|greenhouse gas emissions]] to zero as far as possible. This means that fossil fuels would have to play a subordinate role in the future. This is the only way to effectively reduce climate-damaging greenhouse gases. In the future world of Solarpunk, //solar or wind power// have therefore long since taken the place that oil or gas still occupy in the real world." [[https://www.heise.de/hintergrund/Genre-Solarpunk-Wunderbare-Vokabel-die-Punk-und-das-Thema-Energie-verbindet-9636170.html | heise.de]]: "This is probably not a really seductive subject for literary utopias.It becomes interesting where such future designs build bridges, where they bring together the present and the future." [[https://www.vice.com/en/article/wx5aym/solarpunk-is-not-about-pretty-aesthetics-its-about-the-end-of-capitalism|Vice magazine]]: Solarpunk Is Not About Pretty Aesthetics. It's About the End of Capitalism. At its core, and despite its appropriation, Solarpunk imagines a radically different societal and economic structure.