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Climate Games

Indie games


Jane MC Gonigal

  • World Without Oil (2007) is an alternate reality game (ARG) created to call attention to, spark dialogue about, plan for and engineer solutions to a possible near-future global oil shortage, post peak oil.

Short history

  • Utopia (Mattel, 1981)
  • Rainbow Warrior (MicroStyle, 1989)
  • Sid Meier's Sim Earth (1990)
  • Sid Meier's Civilization (since 1991 …)
  • Sim City Societies (2007)
  • Anno 2070 (2011)
  • Fate to the World (2011 serious game)
  • Eco (Strange Loop Games, 2018)
  • Disco Elysium (2019)
  • Horizon Zero Dawn: Forbidden West (Guerrilla Games, 2022)